
Covid Diary

"Our task must be to free ourselves... by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and it's beauty.” ― Albert Einstein When the whole human race is fighting with a deadly virus, the US President blocked medical kits to Cuba and refuses to lift economic sanctions on Iran, which is fighting a lone battle amidst this pandemic ! I am not surprised but disappointed. Back in India the insensitive regime arrests and slap terrorism act on innocent people who have the potential to expose the govt, hiding behind the iron curtain of lock down. This actions are pointers to the insensitive world and the human race in general. Will the pandemic and the helplessness of mankind before a microscopic virus enlighten humans against their ego and greed? Universe is billions of years old and an average age of a human being is maximum 100; humans are just another species on a planet in one Zodiac among millions of other Zodiacs in this universe. So what is the role of human beings on this planet earth? Is our life relevant here? What is our contribution to the planet that accommodates us? Nations compete in investing in weapons and waging war, thus much of our resources and time have been invested on destruction not in nurturing or creating. The whole human race can be destroyed with a button by our advanced technology, yet we have not yet invented medicine for a microscopic virus. That is an indicator of our priority in a world where nations thrive on enemities and war. Why do we need weapons and bombs when a great majority on this planet struggle to survive, when millions are dying of poverty?World leaders have vested interests in advancing the greed of weapon lobby but the people in general must rise against this weaponisation of whole world. Greed of human race is the mother of all wars and sufferings. Our corporates in connivance with greedy politicians have exploit nature and driven out the indigenous people and other species whose very survival depend on the forest. As Gandhiji said we have enough to satiate our need but not our greed. Today major portion of our resources are with one percent of the total population and such level of inequality and greed would bring more disaster to the planet and its inhabitants. Human race, like all other species exist at the mercy of nature, yet we with our evolved intellect do believe that we are the owners of planet earth and are endowed with the right to eliminate and exploit other species and nature. We do try to control the nature and even the space by creating a world exclusively for ourselves where every other species are forced to exist at our mercy. Our very existence is actually a threat to the nature.Universe will survive without us but we cannot, it is our responsibility to protect the nature that nurture us. Unlike human beings, all other species live in harmony with nature. They do not fight or dominate each other, they do not kill unless they are hungry. They do not have class,race and religious divisions like human race. Covid 19 is not a new virus but has been invaded to a new abode from animals that happened to be human species. The destruction of forests and the eco system forced animals to venture into human habitation that might have caused the infection. This may not be the end, there might be other virus or disaster waiting to happen but nature may go on. We are not inevitable to planet earth as we are the biggest threat to her; the universe will exist without our presence. Covid 19 is not an issue of a nation but whole human race must awaken from the slumber to save the planet from destruction and disaster . Are we ready to learn lessons yet ? Will human race learn from mistakes ?Will we be more empathetic to each other ,towards our surrounding and other species?

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