
Maoist Threat

By perpetuating violence throughout India, Maoist again proved that they can’t be ignored. If Terrorism can be blamed on external factors, Naxalism( this name derived from Naxalbari in West Bengal-the place where this movement begun) is more or less a home grown outfit, though certain external help can’t be ruled out. Maoism is an old wine in new bottlI don’t really know if it is something to do with Mao except the love of red among all those revolutionaries. But feel Maoist can’t be treated on par with terrorists even though I am not at all an admirer of Mao.

India’s poor states are the fertile soil for Maoists. Some areas are virtually under their control. Many are forced to obey their diktats out of fear. I think Indian political system contributed to a great extend to this menace. Tribals and poor are deprived of their fundamental rights for years. Political and bureaucratic apathy made this people vulnerable and desperate. Self -serving political class in India treat ‘aam admi’ as vote bank, except paying lip service during elections.

Financial situation is one reason though not the only, to the rising influence of Maoism. Most of the poor in India live on the margins of the society and don’t benefit from the economic boom of India. This exclusive growth is not something that can be proud of as we are made to believe. Prosperous states as Punjab, Gujarat, Hariyana, Kerala and Tamil Nadu have hardly any presence of Maoism. But these state’s progress has nothing to do with politicians. Particular social situation and hard works of certain people made this possible.
Naxalism was very active in Kerala during 70’s and early 80’s. Even many educated and privileged youth were got attracted to it. Unlike Maoists, murder the rich and distribute money among the poor was the method adopted by them then. But they couldn’t even win the hearts of poor, instead left scary image of violence and bloodshed in the minds of people. Later Gulf money and the unique social system, made the journey of Naxalites very hard. Few Naxal leaders even turned to spirituality.

Today India is forced to fight her made- in India brand of violence and imported violence as well. Whatever the reason I don’t agree the method use by Maoists to achieve their means. Infact they don’t achieve anything in this way rather than garner bad publicity. Besides one can’t win hearts by violence, even though won, it may not be real. But before fighting Maoism, we must treat the root cause of it. I hope new govt. will handle Maoist threat more sensitively.

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