Shakespeare wrote, ¨Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing" (Macbeth). Perhaps the sound and fury doesn’t stop at death!Osama bin Laden’s death seems more of a tale than life- we don’t know whether to cry, laugh or forget with all the horrific details of his death unfolds before us.I don’t know how significant is the death of Osama to the world, when he is only a name sake head of Al- Quida. But obviously this is a great news for US president Obama who is seeking re-election in 2012. To an extend, USA is responsible for the making of Osama bin Laden and the fanatic elements in Islam.They prepared a fertile ground for fanatics like Osama to grow and spread their sickening idealogy among ignorant masses. So it was necessary for them to get rid of him as he had grown out of their control!
USA acts unilaterally when it feels its interests must be served-Iraq invasion, Afgan war etc are a case in point. At the same time advice countries like India to keep restraint at the face of terror! We know well that the master mind of Mumbai riot(1992) and the master mind of 26/11 are having a royal life in Pakistan, but India couldn’t do anything about that till date. US always played its game well in this part and managed to isolate India surrounded by ‘enemies’. I think, now, it is too late when the US realized its past mistake of nurturing islamic fanatism in the guise of fighting communism or whatever.
Whenever required, USA used Pakistan like a tool to slow the Indian growth in the region, unfortunately, both this countries devote a major chunk of its economy for purchasing weapons from rich counries! Why? Both presuming a war between themselves! Strangely Pakstan(read its Army and ISI),
considers its very existence is based on anti-India rhetoric and invest their time and energy on propagating hate! While those fanatics do nurture the under privileged to fight their ‘war(jihad)’, they would be enjoying all luxuries of life in the comforts of their home.I am sorry for the ignorance of common men, and how they are being manipulated.
India and Pakistan have lot of people, living in extreme poverty, many of them do not have even basic amenities in their life. Yet both this countries compete to invest in weapons to fight their war to an ‘unknown enemy! I wonder why this Asian neibhours(I am not mentioning about China that invests a huge chunk of its economy for defence purpose) are not wise enough to understand that USA or west is not going to lose anything if they fight, but only stand to gain from it. Atleast in their country, their citizens are not starving, they have a good social support system and are well taken care of.
In this imagined ‘would- be war’, people of both this countries are real losers, this not only deviate us from the real issues, but affect the development of our countries also. So I just wish people of both this countries could wake up from their slumber and fight for their basic right to live as dignified human beings. Or am I just dreaming?