Now Tibet is in the news. Tibet has been suffering silently since CIA withdrew support to the armed resistance against China in 50’s. Nobody paid any attention when a country was invaded, when its people are forced to live as second class citizens. America’s fight was only against communism, it dumped Tibetans on the way. Later there was never an armed resistance from generally peaceful and friendly Tibetans.
Last year during my visit,I interacted with many Tibetans who live in Dharamsala. There was one boy who escaped from Tibet and traveled all the way to India on foot. He told me his motherland is rich in natural resources and China eyes on that. All the Tibetans I met are unhappy about Chinese authorities and the way things are getting in. Proud Tibetans are sad of their unique culture is being wiped out slowly and silently from the universe in the name of 'development'.
They say, there is nothing common between yellow race of China and nomadic Tibet, even their language is similar to Sanskrit which is an Indian language. They are closer to Mongolian race, probably. But ask any Chinese, they would say it is all about development. They are brain washed effectively by Chinese authorities. (May be it is not only China which brain washes its own people. We have seen how George Bush made Americans believe that Saddam posses WMD-Weapons for Mass Destruction.)
India, home of Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama, hardly speaks out against this ‘cultural genocide’ as Dalai Lama himself put it. India views every movement with suspicion due to its problem in Kashmir and fears of a plebiscite there.. And there is possibility of people opt for an autonomous rule there. But Tibet and Kashmir is altogether different issues. India neither invaded Kashmir nor denies the religious, cultural and political rights of the people. China, on the other hand denies basic human rights and crushes any kind of opposition in a characteristic ‘Chinese way’- the harsh way. Whatever is the reason India’s neutral stand is nothing but shameless cowardice. China is always trying to bully India, it supports Pakistan in Kashmir issue, claim Arunachal Pradesh- besides it may claim all north east states of India. We all know how the greedy nation invaded Tibet and annexed to it. Yet India act like a nation having no self respect!
But it is again business for all nations as to China. Nobody really wants to be an enemy of China. Even US is afraid of China as its market is flooded with Chinese made goods. It is pathetic to see the world, except certain isolated voices, stand as a mute spectator in all atrocities and invasions. I doubt whether we live in a world where still the mighty wins and gets things done with all treacherous means. It is an irony that China hosts 2008-Olympics, the very sport that celebrates humanity and universal brotherhood.