A place belongs to nobody, yet it is for everybody. This is the concept behind Auroville, International community near Pondicherry. I always dream of a place where we are not asked too many questions about caste, creed, colour, nationality etc. When the concept of nationality melts into one, one would see the other just as a human being. And It is graceful to see people live there without harming nature. Thus Auroville is very close to my dream land.
It is an ideal place where the local population and the 'outsiders' live in complete harmony without disturbing the indigenous culture. You never feel the atmosphere of a touristic spot despite the huge presence of foreigners.

On arriving at Auroville, one would feel the taste of fresh air and pure nature. I am like a free bird when I go for a 'dream drive' through the length and breath of auroville (Public transport is prohibited in Auroville. But cycle and 2 wheelers are available for personnel use. But as I dont know driving It was my dear friend Mat who took me around this time). We were laughing and shouting like children during the ride. But beneath this, we felt very peaceful with the lush greenery and solitude envelop the surroundings.
I forgot to mention the potpouri of food items there. You will get varities of dishes at a couple of eating outlets inside Auroville. I have eaten some of the best dishes over there (Visitors center, center guest house etc).
I was quite impressed by the activities ranging from organic farming to women empowering programms that aurovillians implementing with the participation of local population.
After one week of Auroville exploration, I didn't really want to leave that place. I couldn't say adieu to Auroville, I thought of Aurobindo, Mother, the inspiration behind this great concept and said to myself, ' There is something that connects me to this place, wait I will come again'.