
Silence of the Sheeps

I met a girl from Manipur while boarding my flight to Kerala from Delhi recently,who told me that she is proud of Kerala and Tamil Nadu as they are the saviours of India(from Bjp as Bjp has no representation in this two states). Also she told me how her state is destroyed by the hate politics of RSS/BJP. Truth is not valued in the post- truth era when one gets to see and hear only lies and fake propaganda. Even the media that is the fourth pillar of democracy is running the fake propaganda of BJP IT cell targeting opposition and minorities as news that reminds me of Radio Rwanda. So both truth and our right to know the truth have been murdered by the media. Thus without even a slight prick of conscience media would celebrate Modi while Manipur was burning. Manipur is a blot on our conscience and a reminder of what India may become tomorrow with the cancerous hatred spreading in the society like a wild fire.Amid this violence and chaos, we are silenced and threatened and herd like sheeps, the bold among us are jailed or eliminated. Manipur is a lesson for us to be vigilant of venomous propaganda and hate mongering from the very system that is supposed to protect us. An autocratic regime would arm and ignite the public against their own citizens in order to leech off the blood of the innocent souls.My heart would burden with pain and shame while thinking of Manipur and the thousands of innocent people who lost their life and the girls who are abused and raped with the blessings of those in power, while a nation and its people are watching silently.I never thought a day would come where I would worry about the fate of my nation and the cancerous hatred that eats away its soul, about the thousands of innocent souls languishing in jail without even a trial for standing up against an autocratic regime. We took our freedom for granted and democracy for granted where we couldn’t even realise when and how we are enslaved and silenced by the might of power. It is like slow poisoning that we fail to recognise until there is no going back from the imminent death.The shocking fact is the submissiveness of the whole system before a man or few men having the money and muscle power on their side. After Media, Judiciary, the last resort of a layman has been silenced and became His Master's Voice.Every govt agencies are tirelessly working for its master in the govt.with a one point agenda of targeting the opposition leaders and the critics of the power.Why it is so easy to silence the pillars of democracy by few men? Why it is so easy to buy the whole system with money? Are we mature enough for a democracy? Or are we a honest society?These questions arise in my mind while watching the murder of democracy infront of me. India is still a feudal society where classism,casteism,racism etc exist. Authorities are barely questioned in a feudal society and this authority could be parents,teachers, office boss or the govt. Thus we get to tolerate a regime that exploit, oppress and silence us. A great majority even do not realise that public is the king in a democracy while our leaders are our servants. Also, we must do a conscience search about our honesty, because honesty will actually empower us from our fears. But we seem to be a victim of both greed and fear that co-exist in our minds. The ruling party has the money to buy every politicians or the system, but what would be the fate of a nation whose law makers,media and judiciary are on sale and its public is scared? Do we need a second freedom struggle to save the nation from the fascists at the regime? Perhaps we may have to freed ourselves from the fear and greed to achieve real freedom.

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